(updated June 2020)
Ph.D. Romance Studies, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 1998. Dissertation: The Representation of Rape and the Rape of Representation: Sexual/Textual Violence in Italy and Spain (Director: Lucia Re).
M.A. Italian Studies, University of California at Los Angeles, 1994 (areas of specialization: gender studies, Italian cinema, Italian feminism, avant-garde, women writers, women filmmakers)
M.A. Hispanic Studies, University of California at San Diego, 1990 (areas of specialization: gender studies, Spanish women writers)
Master Thesis: La incomunicación en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite (Director: Susan Kirkpatrick).
Laurea (cum laude) in Lingue e Letterature Straniere (currently Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati), Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia, Italia, 1986.
Tesi di Laurea: La primera traducción de la Commedia dantesca atribuida a Don Enrique de Villena. (Director: Marcella Ciceri)
2019 Videographic Criticism - Scholarship in Sound and Image - Digital Liberal Arts Summer Institute, Middlebury College
2016 Certificate in Screenwriting - Universidad Juan Carlos I Madrid/Escuela de Guion de Madrid.
El género del género, in preparation
La pantalla sexuada, Madrid: Editorial Cátedra, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-376-3287-2
Reviewed by:
Silvia Guillamón, EU-TOPÍAS, 8 (2014),
Marina Calvo, El Palimotrón (2014)
Desenfocadas: cineastas españolas y discursos de género, Barcelona: Editorial Icaria, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-9888-568-2
Reviewed by:
Carmen García Armero, Letras Femeninas, 41.2, (Winter, 2015) 186-189
Sergio Arlandis, Hispanic Review, 84.1 (Winter 2016), 93-96
Esther Gimeno Ugalde, International Journal Iberian Studies, 29.2 (2017), 189-191
Hernando Gómez Prada, Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 7.1 (2015), 106-107
Santiago Fouz-Hernández, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 92 (2015), 478-479
Mary Kate Donovan, Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas, 12.2 (2014), 223-227
Jorge Pérez, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 48.3 (2014), 46-48
Silvia Guillamón, Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, 69.4 (2015), 230-232
Edited Books
Gender-Based in Latin American and Iberian Cinemas, co-edited with Rebeca Maseda and María José Gámez Fuentes, Routledge, London and New York, 2020. ISBN: 9781138349476
Tras las lentes de Isabel Coixet: género y cine. Zaragoza, Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza (PUZ): Colección Vidas, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-376-3316-9
Reviewed by:
Rebeca Maseda, Asparkía, 35; 2019, 193-198 - ISSN: 1132-8231 - DOI:
Mares, Libros Locuras, January 16, 2020
Janice Puentes, Portal de Comunicación Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 23 June, 2020,
Tamara Moya Jorge, Modern Language Review, July 2020, 115.3, 744-45.
Gynocine: Teoría de género, filmología y praxis cinematográfica, Zaragoza, Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza (PUZ): Colección Sagardiana, estudios feministas, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-15770-85-5
Reviewed by:
Mary Kate Donovan, Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas, 12.2 (2014), 223-227
Susana Domingo Amestoy, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 92.4 (2015), 479-480
Lynn Purkey, Letras Femeninas, 41.1 (Summer, 2015), 359-362
Susan Sheldon, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 49.2 (June 2015), 415-417
Teoría y práctica de la adaptación fílmica. Madrid: Editorial Universidad Complutense, 2012. ISBN: 978-84-9938-130-5
Reviewed by:
María Camí-Vela Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 38.2 (2014): 416-418
La mujer en la España actual:¿evolución o involución? (coedited with Jacqueline Cruz) Barcelona: Icaria, 2004. ISBN: 84-7426-705-6
Reviewed by:
María Dolores Nieto Alarcón Lectora, 10 (2004): 455–60
Lynn K. Talbot Letras femeninas 32.2 (2005): 244-45
Sexualidad y Escritura (1850-2000) (coedited with Raquel Medina) Barcelona: Anthropos, 2002. ISBN: 84-7658-637-X
Reviewed by:
Yolanda Pascual Solé MLN 120.2 (2005): 499-301
María Camí Vela Symposium 58.3 (2004): 194–97
Maria Matz. Letras Femeninas 29.2 (2003): 226–28
Antonio Pedrós Gascón, España Contemporánea, 16.2 (2003): 119–22
Kathleen Doyle, MMLA 36.2 (2003): 51-53
Annotated edition of Benito Pérez Galdós El amigo Manso (coedited with José Monleón), Akal: Madrid, 2002 (with an Introduction of 83 pages).
Digital Humanities Projects
Gynocine: Feminisms, Genders, and Cinemas (Founder, Director, Principal Investigator), 2011-ongoing
CinemAGEnder: Ageing Studies, Gender and Visual Culture (Co-founder, co-director), 2016-ongoing
Film/Video Productions
The Black and White Coffee Set: Social/Racial Mobility in Ana Muylaert’s film Que horas ela volta, a video-graphic essay. [in]Transition Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 8.1, 2021,
The voice of Thaïs, 2021, 1h 20m, Documentary written and directed by David Casals Roma, Executive Producer, Consultant, Interviewee.
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: A Pandemigraph, Epigraph, 4 min., 2020,
Also included in The Videographic Essay Podcast:
Pandemic Kucha, A PechaKucha on Fernando Meirelles' s The Constant Gardener, 1 min., 2020,
Also included in The Videographic Essay Podcast
The Wrinkle of Film, Video-graphic essay, 11 min., 2019,, presented at the NeMLA Conference 2020
Emily Dickinson Translated Into Images: 6 Video-Graphic Essays, produced for the Amherst Arts Night Plus Open Mic and Featured Artists, at the Emily Dickinson Museum, November 7, 2019,
Presbyopic Visuality: Soft Focus and Old Age, video-graphic essay, 7 min., 2019,
Older Women in Female-Directed Cinema: Rememory, Memory Loss and Intermemory, video-graphic essay, 7 min., 2018
The hybridization of the gaze, video-graphic essay, 2 min. , 2017,
La gynogula: Placer oral en el cine español dirigido por mujeres, video-essay presented for the keynote address at the Seminario Internacional Literatura y Pecado, Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca, Spain , 2016
Feline Love, Fragment 36, 1”, in the collaborative El vídeo del minut 2016: Els amors. Film col·lectiu, feature film 63”, Drac Magic Production, Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona, 2016,
Sexualidad después de los 50: la mujer invisible en el gynocine, video-essay, 20”, 2016,
Miradas encadenadas: una lectura visual de Palabras encadenadas de Laura Mañá, video essay, 7”, 2016
Mujeres en los orígenes del cine (Women Pioneers of the Camera: the Off-Screen), short documentary, written, directed and produced, 38”, 2016,, premiered at the Academia de Cine in Madrid, nov. 2016.
Margarita Alexandre: Una pionera detrás de la cámara, short documentary, written, directed and produced, 20”, 2009,
Articles and Book Chapters
«El neorealismo italiano importado (y feminizado) en España: Ana Mariscal y Segundo López, aventurero urbano» Cine italiano y cine español: influencias, convergencias y contrastes Giovanni Spani y Eduardo Urios-Aparisi eds., 2020 (forthcoming).
«Technologies of Age: The Intersection of Feminist Film Theory and Aging Studies» (co-authored with Raquel Medina) Investigaciones Feministas. Special Issue on Feminist Methodologies , Lisa Cuklanz and María Pilar Rodríguez, eds. Vol 11, Num 2, 2020, pp. 251-262)
«Screening Counter-Violence: An Introduction to Giving Account Beyond Memories of Trauma» (co-authored with Rebeca Maseda García, María José Gámez Fuentes) In Gender-Based in Latin American and Iberian Cinemas, Rebeca Maseda, María José Gámez Fuentes, and Barbara Zecchi, eds. Routledge, London and New York, 2020.
«El cine, fábrica de misoginia» UTOPÍA Revista de Crítica cultural, Special Issue on Misogyny: Sobre el odio a las mujeres, Num. 5, 2020, pp.61-69.
«Vejez femenina y violencia sexual en el imaginario cinematográfico: de lo abyecto al envejecimiento positivo” Violencias y edad en los medios de comunicación Eds. Francisco A. Zurian; M. Isabel Menéndez Menéndez; Francisco José García-Ramos, Colección “Estudios de Violencia de Género” de Edicions UIB, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2019, pp. 25-42.
«Intervening In The Present: Catalan Cinema’s Radical Years (1968–1978)” Film Quarterly, Spring 2019, Vol. 72, Num. 3, pp. 69-77
«Flor de España o la historia de una desapropiación: Rescatando la película de Helena Cortesina» Presències i representaciones de la dona en els primers anys del cinema. 1985-1920. Àngel Quintana i Jordi Pons, eds. Museu del Cinema/Universitat de Girona, Girona, 2019, pp. 239-253.
“Da vittima invisibile a sopravvissuta: le registe italiane rispondono alla violenza di genere” Rappresentare la violenza di genere, Marina Bettaglio, Nicoletta Mandolini, Silvia Ross, eds. Mimesis edizioni, Milano, 2018, pp. 159-192.
“Mujeres y cine: Nombrar un corpus, rescatar un legado y definir un lenguaje propio” Representaciones de género en la industria visual, Editorial Osífragos, 2018, pp. 91-108.
“La ‘Mirada Coixet’: Compromiso y feminismo”, in Tras las lentes de Isabel Coixet: Cine, Compromiso y Feminismo, ed. Barbara Zecchi, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias Zaragoza, 2017, pp. 13-33.
"El terror hacia la mujer que mira: Voyerismo y abyección en Another Me" in Tras las lentes de Isabel Coixet: Cine, Compromiso y Feminismo, ed. Barbara Zecchi, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias Zaragoza, 2017, pp. 299-318.
“Comedy as a Feminist Strategy: Spanish Women Filmmakers Reclaim Laughter” (transl., reprint) Women's Authorship and Genre in Film and Television, Mary Harrod and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz, eds. forthcoming, 2017
“Laura Mañá: irreverencia y desafío feminista desde el realismo mágico al realismo histórico”, Mujeres y cine español (2000-2015), Francisco Zurian, ed., forthcoming, 2017.
"Sex After Fifty: The ‘Invisible’ Female Ageing Body in Spanish Women-Authored Cinema", Spanish Erotic Cinema, Santiago Fouz-Hernandez, ed., 2017, ISBN Hardback: 978147440047
"Le sirene nella semiperiferia mediterranea", Donne del Mediterraneo: Saggi interdisciplinari, Giovanni Spani, Marco Marino eds., Società Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze, 2017, 9-19.
"Mujeres y cine: Nombrar un corpus, rescatar un legado y definir un lenguaje propio" Catálogo MIC Género: Democracia, Medios y Feminismo. México 2016: 182-195,
“El cine de Pedro Almodóvar: de óptico a háptico, de gay a queer” Área Abierta, 15.1. Monográfico: Estudios sobre masculinidades, LGBTIQ y cultura audiovisual, 2015: 31-52.
“La ‘españolada’ al femminile” Rassegna Iberística, 38.108, 2015: 41-62.
“Margarita Alexandre: una pionera bajo el signo de la excepcionalidad” Construyendo una mirada propia: mujeres directoras en el cine español (de los orígenes al año 2000), Francisco Zurián, ed. Madrid: Sintesis, 2014, 29-48.
“Dos pioneras entre el teatro y el cine: Helena Jordi y Elena Cortesina” Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Historia, Literatura y Arte en el Cine en español y portugués, Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2013.
“La comedia como estrategia feminista: la recuperación de la risa” Gynocine: Teoría de género, filmología y praxis cinematográfica, Barbara Zecchi (ed.), Universidad de Zaragoza: Colección sagardiana, estudios feministas, Zaragoza, 2013.
“La adaptación multiplicada” Teoría y práctica de la adaptación fílmica, Barbara Zecchi, ed. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 2012: 18-62.
“La descorporització de l'embaràs al cinema de dones actual” A flor de text. La representació de la corporeïtat als llenguatges artístics, Noemí Acedo Alonso y Aina Pérez Fontdevila, eds. Barcelona, Ediuoc, 2011: 137-145.
“Veinte años de inmigración en el imaginario fílmico español: hacia un espacio liminal” Imágenes de Otro: Identidad e Inmigración en la literatura y el cine, Montserrat Iglesias, ed. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2010: 157-184
“Desde el ‘cine de mujeres’ a CIMA: ¿hacia un nuevo discurso fílmico femenino?” Boletín Hispano Helvético 13-14 (2009) : 243-260.
“Women Filming The Male Body: Subversions, Inversions and Identifications” Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 3. 3 (2008): 187-204.
“La desapropiación de la escritora: de la angelización a la ginofagia” Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat 13 (2007): 241-249.
“Insolación de Emilia Pardo Bazán: Intertextualidades y parodias, hacia una escritura de la igualdad” MLN 122. 2 (2007): 294-314.
“Estrategias de elisión, inscripción y desexuación en la representación cinematográfica de la violencia contra la mujer” El doble filo de la navaja; violencia y representación Fernando García Selgas, Carmen Romero Bachiller, eds. Madrid: Trotta, 2006. 107-128.
Reprinted in Herrera, Javier; Martínez-Carazo, Cristina (eds.) Hispanismo y cine. Madrid / Frankfurt, 2007, Iberoamericana / Vervuert.
“Inconsciente genérico, feminismo y Nubosidad variable de Carmen Martín Gaite” Arbor 720, 2006: 527-535.
“Idiosincrasias fílmicas del cuerpo de la mujer por la mujer” Los hábitos del deseo. Formas de amar en la modernidad, Carme Riera, Meri Torras, Isabel Clúa y Pau Pitarch, eds. Barcelona: Ediciones ExCultura, 2005: 133-139.
“Reinventando el placer cinematográfico femenino: Rosario Pi, Josefina Molina y Judith Colell” Lecturas: Imágenes. Revista poética de cine 4, 2005: 187-213.
(Trans. to Galician: “Reinventando o pracer cinematográfico feminino” Vigo: Galaxia, forthcoming).
“All About Mothers: Pronatalist Discourses in Contemporary Spanish Cinema” College Literature Review, 32.1, 2005: 146-164.
“Mujer y cine: Estudio panorámico de éxitos y paradojas” La mujer en la España actual:¿evolución o involución? Barbara Zecchi and Jacqueline Cruz, eds. Barcelona: Icaria, 2004: 315-351.
“Maternidad y violación: dos caras del control sobre el cuerpo femenino” (with Jacqueline Cruz) La mujer en la España actual:¿evolución o involución? Barbara Zecchi and Jacqueline Cruz, eds. Barcelona: Icaria, 2004: 147-175.
"La desheredada: historia de dos novelas" Actas del XXXIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Universidad de Salamanca, 2003: 1685-1695.
“Canción de cuna: del papel al celuloide” Lecturas: Imágenes. Revista de poética del cine 2, 2003: 423-437.
"La hermandad lírica, Bécquer y la ansiedad de autoría" Sexualidad y Escritura. Raquel Medina and Barbara Zecchi (eds.) Barcelona: Anthropos, 2002: 33-60.
"Mujer, escritura y dictadura: el caso de El Ventanal" Las representaciones de la mujer en la cultura hispánica. K.M. Sibbald and R. de la Fuente Ballesteros, eds. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2002: 423-438.
"'Si te ata, no te quiere': violencia y status quo en el cine de Pedro Almodóvar" Lectura: Imágenes. Carmen Becerra, Manuel Angel Candelas, Antonio Chas, María Jesús Fariña, Beatriz Suárez, eds. Vigo, Spain: Universidade de Vigo, 2001: 319-333.
"El ventanal: aporías de la mujer franquista" El Franquismo: El Régimen y la Oposición. Guadalajara: Archivo Histórico Provincial, 2000: 295-304.
"Domesticidad, feminismo doméstico y ¿posibles alternativas?" Autoras y Protagonistas. Textos de Mujeres y sobre Mujeres. Pilar Pérez Cantó and Elena Postigo Castellanos, eds. Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer, Universidad Autónoma, 2000: 441-460
"Ne' Penelope, ne' Elettra: il canto di Maria Corti" Rivista di Studi Italiani, 17. 1, 1999: 308-27
"El ángel violado: desarticulación (masculina) y articulación (femenina) de la violencia hacia la mujer en la literatura romántica" Mujer, sexo y poder en la literatura femenina iberóamericana del S. XIX Joanna Courteau, ed. Valladolid, Spain: Siglo XIX, 1999: 61-74.
"L'Oblò di Adriano Spatola: il racconto del racconto che non c'è" Italian Quarterly 33, 1996: 49-60.
"Poética de ida y vuelta: Los paseos americanos de García Lorca" Letras Peninsulares 7.2, 1995: 555-568.
"Maria Luisa Spaziani" Italian Women Writers, A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, Rinaldine Russell, ed. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994: 395-403.
"L'Ortis di Foscolo e le Cartas marruecas di Cadalso: coincidenze?" Romance Linguistics and Literature Review 6, 1993: 54-61.
"Il corpo femminile trampolino tra scrittura e volo. Enif Robert e Biancamaria Frabotta: settant'anni verso il tempo delle donne." Italica 69. 4, 1992: 505-518.
"El cobijo de la infancia en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite" Mester: Special Issue on Women Writers 20. 2, 1991: 77-88.
"Appunti sulle due piu' antiche traduzioni allo spagnolo della Commedia," Carte Italiane 11, 1991: 21-30.
"La traduzione della Commedia dantesca attribuita a Enrique de Villena: Il Paradiso," Annali di Ca'Foscari 27. 1-2, 1988: 327-345.
Interviews, Reviews, Online and Blog articles and Encyclopedic Entries
Film Review: Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise (Directed by Jennifer Townsend, 2019) , Bullfrog Film Catalogue,
Book Review: Gender and Violence in Spanish Culture. From Vulnerability to Accountability, M. J. Gámez Fuentes & R. Maseda García (eds.), 2018, New York: Peter Lang, in European Journal of Women's Studies
Film Review: Praça Paris (Lúcia Murat) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Film Review: Dressage (Pooya Badkoobeh) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
The Great Buddha + (Huang Hsin-Yao) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Nervous Translation (Shireen Seno) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine
Until the End of Time (Yasmine Chouikh) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Mente Revólver (Alejandro Ramírez Corona) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
The Song of Scorpions (Anup Singh) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Traslasierra (Juan Pablo Sasiaín) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Side Job (Ryuichi Hiroki) Film Review for Cines del Sur día a día, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine,
Review of Domènech, Conxita y Andrés Lema-Incapié, eds. Ventura Pons: una mirada excepcional desde el cine catalán. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2015. 360 páginas. ALCES XXI, Vol. 3 (2017)
“Del piropo al feminicidio” El derecho de voz/s, Catálogo Exposición Fotográfica, comisariada por Hernando Gómez Prada, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Nov. 2016, p. 4.
Review: Sanz, Marta. Black, black, black. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2010. 333 páginas. Sanz, Marta. Un buen detective no se casa jamás. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2012. 315 páginas, in ALCES XXI, Vol. 2 (2015)
Online Blog Article: "La Reconquista de la cámara cinematográfica: rescatando a las pioneras" Punto de Vista, 30 agosto 2015, Web CIMA,
Review: Spanish Spaces: Landscape, Space and Place in Contemporary Spanish Culture, Ann Davis, (2012), Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, vii +190 pp., in Intellect: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 11.2 (2014): 211-214.
Review: Imágenes del Eros: género, sexualidad, estética y cultura audiovisual by Francisco A. Zurian (ed.) Madrid: Ocho y Medio, 2012, 287 pp., in Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 5.1 (2013), 139-141.
Online Review: De tu ventana a la mía (dir. Paula Ortiz, 2011) (uploaded Jan, 2012)
Online Blog Article: "They shut me in prose: el 2011 entre películas de ficcion y documentales" Punto de Vista, 28 diciembre 2011, Web CIMA,
Online Blog Article: "Qué es el Gynocine?" Punto de Vista, 15 noviembre 2011, Web Cima,
Review: McKenna, Susan M. Crafting the Female Subject. Narrative Innovation in the Short Fiction of Emilia Pardo Bazán. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press” Hispanic Review, 79. 4 (2011): 682-685.
Review: “O’Connor, Patricia. Mito y realidad de una dramaturga española: María Martínez Sierra. Logroño: Ediciones Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2003” Letras Femeninas 32.2 (2006).
Review: “ Moreiras Menor, Cristina. Cultura herida. Literatura y cine en la España democrática” Madrid: Ediciones Libertarias, 2002, 286 pp.” Modern Language Notes (MLN) 119. 2 (2004).
Review: "Carbayo Abengózar, Mercedes. Buscando un lugar entre mujeres: Buceo en la España de Carmen Martín Gaite. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 1998, 195 pp." Letras Femeninas 26. 1-2 (2000).
"Rape" entry for The Feminist Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. Rinaldina Russell and Marilyn Migiel eds. Greenwood Press: Westport Conn., 1997: 280-283.
"Feminism, 19th century" entry for The Feminist Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. Rinaldina Russell and Marilyn Migiel eds. Greenwood Press: Westport Conn., 1997: 88-90.
Interview: "Conversando con Mercedes Abad, Cristina Fernández Cuba y Soledad Puértolas: 'Feminismo y literatura no tienen nada que ver'." Mester Special Issue on Women Writers 20.2 ,1991: 157-165.
Other Creative Work
“Del piropo al feminicidio” El derecho de voz/s, Catálogo Exposición Fotográfica, comisariada por Hernando Gómez Prada, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Nov. 2016, p. 4. (Translated into Italian in Rappresentare la violenza di genere, Marina Bettaglio, Nicoletta Mandolini, Silvia Ross, eds. Mimesis edizioni, Milano, 2018.
“Non so cosa mi ricorda questo sapore” in Un mar de poemas solidarios, desde la otra orilla, Valencia, 2012, p. 26
March 2020: “The Wrinkle of Film: Decline Narratives, Successful Old Life and Affirmative Aging” Paper presented at the Seminar “Aging and Gender in Iberian and Latin American Visual Culture, Chair: Barbara Zecchi, NeMLA conference Boston
March 2020: “CinemAGEnder: How Hispanic Cinemas Visualize Sexuality and Memory in Old Age” A colloquium with Barbara Zecchi and Raquel Medina, Invited speakers, University of Connecticut, Humanities Institute, Dept. of Literatures, Cultures and Languages, Center of Aging, Women’s Gender and Sexualitites Studies.
March 2019: “Gynocine: A Digital Humanities Initiative Project” Roundtable Moderator/Coordinator, Cine-Lit 9 Conference, Portland State University and University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon
March 2019: “Jóvenes cineastas y sororidad intergeneracional: empoderando el envejecimiento femenino” Keynote Address, Cine-Lit 9 Conference, Portland State University and University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon
January 2019: Presentation of the “Gynocine Project”, invited speaker, Dept. of Spanish, Clark University
October 2018: "Viejas de película: cine, envejecimiento y sexualidad femenina", invited speaker, Dept. of Spanish, University of Texas at Austin
October 2018: Presentation of “Older Women in Female-Directed Cinema: Rememory, Memory Loss and Intermemory” a Videoessay for the Round Table Discussion: “Collective Memories and Forgetting”, UMass Memory Week of Memory and Forgetting, Neuroscience Dept., University of Massachusetts Amherst
August 2018: Presentation of Isabel Coixet’s retrospective for the MICGénero Festival, Cineteca de Mexico, Ciudad de México
June 2018: Participant at the round table “Otras cinematografías” Bib-Rambla Mosaic-Space, Cines del Sur Film Festival, Granada
April 2018: “Viejas de película. Algunas consideraciones sobre sexualidad feminine y envejecimiento” VII Congreso Internacional de GECA, Universidad Complutense, Madrid
April 2018: Feminismo y crítica cinematográfica, invited talk, Universitat de Girona, Girona.
April 2018: “Sexualidad después de los 50. La mujer invisible en el cine de autoría femenina”. Mesa redonda plenaria “Cine, género y autorías encarnadas” at the IV Congreso Internacional Los Textos del Cuerpo: Autoría Encarnadas” Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, Barcelona.
Sept. 2017: “Envejecimiento y sensualidad háptica: la piel/película de Beristain y de Smirnoff” paper presented at the Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Conference, Senate House, University of London, UK.
June 2017: "En la otra isla- documental de Sara Gómez, pionera del cine cubano" Invited talk at the Escuela de fotografía Deriva, Granada, Spain
June 2017: "Teoría y práctica del videoensayo" Invited talk at the University of Granada, Granada, Spain
April 2017 "Viejas de película: el envejecimiento femenino en el cine español", Key-note speaker at the 70th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington
March 2017 "Helena Cortesina y Flor de España", rescatando un legado. Paper presented at the International Conference "Presencias y representaciones de la mujer en los primeros años del cine 1895-1920", Museu del Cinema, Girona, Spain
March 2017 "La teoría fílmica feminista", Talk at the University of Girona, Spain
Feb. 2017 “Women Film Pioneers of Spain”, Invited Speaker for the Álvarez Seminar “Contemporary Spanish Culture: Encounters and Transitions”, MAS: Mexico, The Americas, and Spain, Trinity University, Texas
Feb. 2017 Álvarez Seminar Invited guest, talk on Laura Maña’s Palabras encadenadas, undergraduate class,Trinity University, Texas
Nov. 2016 “Iniciación a los Estudios Europeos e interdisciplinariedad” talk for the Máster en Interculturalidad, Comunicación y Estudios Europeos, Universitat de València, Spain
Nov. 2016 “Mujeres en los orígenes del cine”, video-essay, presentation and Q&A with Nieve de Medina and Javier Costa, Academia de las Artes y de las Ciencias Cinematográficas, Madrid, Spain
Aug. 2016 “Cine y feminismo: intersecciones”, Conferencia Magistral, Cátedra Ingmar Berman, Auditorio MUAC, UNAM, Ciudad de México, México
Aug. 2016 "Sexualidad Madura: la mujer invisible en el cine femenino” Keynote Conference for the MIC-Genero Film Festival, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Aug. 2016 “La violencia de la representación: el compromiso feminista del audiovisual” Inauguration Speech, GenderLab, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
July 2016 “La gynogula: cine y placer oral femenino” Closing Key-note Conference, at the Seminario Internacional Literatura y Pecado, Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
April 2016 “Sexualidad después de los 50 en el gynocine”, Talk at the Spanish Cinema: Gender and Ageing Studies Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
March 2016 “Pioneras de la cámara”, invited talk as Lansdowne Lecture Series Visitor, Dept. of Spanish and Italian, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Jan. 2016 "El desarrollo profesional y académico en la investigación en comunicación audiovisual y publicidad" Invited talk at the VII Workshop Internacional de Investigación “Trabajar, enseñar e investigar en Cultura Audiovisual” , Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Nov. 2015 “Teoría y práctica fílmica feminista” Invited Talk for the Conference “El Feminismo en España desde la transición a la actualidad” coordinated by Carmen Peña Ardid, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Sept. 2015 “Las pioneras de la cámara: un ensayo visual”, Invited talk, University of Ca’Foscari Venezia.June 2015 “Women Film Pioneers: A Visual Essay”, Key-Note Speaker at the First International Conference Women of the Mediterranean, Santa Anna Institute/College of the Holy Cross, Sorrento, Italy
June 2015 “Women Film Pioneers: A Visual Essay”, Key-Note Speaker at the First International Conference Women of the Mediterranean, Santa Anna Institute/College of the Holy Cross, Sorrento, Italy
March 2015 “Neus Ballús’s La Plaga”, Introduction and Presentation of the movie , at the 7th Edition of Catalan Film Festival with film director Neus Ballús and producer Pau Subirós.
March 2015 “Feminismo, Gynocine y Cine español: el caso de Pilar Miró”, Distinguished Visitor, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
March 2015 “Domestic Violence in Spanish Cinema”, presentation for the classes «Hispanic Film» and «Migrant and Transnational Cinema», Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Februray 2015 «Tortura y Censura: El crimen de Cuenca (1979) de Pilar Miró», CINE LIT VIII Portland, Oregon.
July 2014 “La película perdida de Helena Cortesina: Flor de España o la leyenda de u torero (1921)” paper presented at the Avanca Inernational Film Festival, Avanca, Portugal.
July 2014 “Cineastas españolas”, presentation of my book Desenfocada at the bookstore La Central (with the participation of filmmakers Josefina Molina and Inés París), Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.
June 2014 “Desenfocadas: mujeres cineastas y discursos de género” keynote speaker at the 58th Muestra de Cine y Mujeres de Pamplona,
Pamplona, Spain.
April 2014 “Te doy mis ojos (Icíar Bollaín, 2004): Posibles salidas a la violencia de género", invited speaker at Mount Holyoke College.
March 2014 “Carmen y Soleá: de Mérimée a Rosario Pi Brujas” Fourth International Symposium on Ideology, Politics and Demands in Spanish Language, Literature and Film: Images of Women in Hispanic Literature and Media. Online.
November 2013 "La españolada en femenino" invited speaker at the one-day conference La Españolada. Limiti e condizioni, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Italy.
October 2013 "La experiencia sensorial del cine de Isabel Coixet" Paper presented at the XXIII AIFCFH Conference, Feminismo, Post-Feminismo and Neo-Feminismo, Clearemont Colleges, California.
June 2013 “Helena Jordi, una pionera entre el teatro y el cine” Paper presented at the 2nd Congreso Internacional de Historia, Literatura y Arte en el Cine en español y portugués, Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca
May 2013 “La piel de Almodóvar” key-note speaker at the Graduate Conference Almodóvar en evolución, University of Massachusetts Amherst
April 2013 “Almódovar: de lo óptico a lo háptico” invited speaker at the IV International Workshop GECA: Nuevas Masculinidades, Universidad Complutense, Madrid
March 2013 Presentation of Patricia Ferreira’s movie Els Nens Salvatges Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival, University of Massachusetts Amherst
March 2013 “El fuera de campo: cinco usos feministas”, paper presented at the NeMLA Convention, Boston.
December 2012 “A History of Spanish Women’s Cinema” presentation of a Digital Humanities project for the Digital Humanities Initiative Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
October 2012 'Erotismo “invisible”: la mujer madura en el cine español de autoría femenina' Invited speaker at the "Taller de erotismo y cine español", at Harvard University.
October 2012 Introduction to the One-day Conference “Spanish Cinema Today”, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
September 2012 “Las cineastas en la teoría” Paper presented for the Panel Teoría y práctica de la creación femenina at the IX Convegno Internazionale del gruppo Scrittrici e Scritture, Università di Sassari, Sardegna, Italy.
July 2012 “El género filoháptico” paper presented at the II Simposio Internacional sobre ideología, política y reivindicaciones en lengua, literature y cine en español, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Santander, Cantabria, Spain
June 2012 “La inmigración en el cine dirigido por mujeres: esencialismo estratégico y crisis de enunciación” invited speaker for the seminar “Imágenes de la inmigración” Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, University of Granada.
May 2012 "La piel que habitamos: Violencia y cuerpo femenino en el cine español actual" paper presented at the III International Workshop Representaciones del Cuerpo Dañado. Universidad Complutense, Madrid
March 2012 "Migraciones en el cine español: ¿universalización o esencialismo estratégico?" Paper presented at the 20th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics: Migrating Through Alternative Spaces. University of Texas, Austin
February 2012 "Catalan Cinema: an intruduction" Introduction to the 4th edition of Catalan Film Festival, UMass Amherst
October 2011 “La comedia como estrategia feminista: la recuperación de la risa” paper presented at the Gynocine Conference, UMass Amherst
October 2011 “The History of Spanish Women’s Cinema: a Digital Humanities Project” project presented at the Gynocine Conference, UMass Amherst
June 2011 “Lo spazio bianco di Francesca Comencini: il corpo materno ‘svuotato’ ” paper presented at the CSIS Conference in Venice, Italy
February 2011 “El cine de Isabel Coixet” Introduction at the III Catalan Film Festival, UMass Amherst
October 2010 “La ética de la mirada: violencia y escopofilia en el cine femenino español” Paper presented at the XX AILCFH Conference, University of Austin, Texas.
July 2010 “Cine de mujeres: hacia la concienciación de género” Paper presented at the XVII AIH (Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas) conference, Rome, Italy.
March 2009 “Desde el “cine con tetas” a CIMA: ¿hacia un discurso femenino?” Invited speaker, Conversatorio, Dept. of Spanish, Brown University.
Feb. 2009 “Cine femenino: Violencia y Placer” Invited speaker, Seminarios IESA-CSIC (Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados), Córdoba
Feb. 2009 “La representación de la violencia y la violencia de la representación: mujeres y cine” Invited speaker, Las Tertulias del Ateneo, Madrid
Feb. 2009 “La mujer que envejece en el cine español femenino” Congreso: "El cuerpo: objeto y sujeto de las ciencias humanas y sociales" Institución Milá y Fontanals, Barcelona
Sept. 2008 “El cuerpo ‘maduro’: la mujer invisible en el cine español” European Film Conference, University of Texas, San Antonio
June 2008 “Ojos encadenados: representaciones fílmicas de la violencia doméstica” MMWW 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
March 2008 “El sujeto inmigrante en el cine español” Curso de Humanidades. Imágenes de la inmigración en el cambio de siglo. Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Octubre 2007 “Hibridismo y Otredad en el cine español femenino” XVII Congreso de la AILCFH, Mujeres transatlánticas. Cruces de lenguas. Zonas de encuentros. Sevilla, Spain
May 2007 Presentation of Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth” Encuentros/Encounters: New Cinema of Latin America and Spain, University of Massachusetts.
March 2007 “El cuerpo del otro: relaciones interraciales en el cine.” Key-note speaker, Telling Bodies: Practices, Discourses, Looks Conference, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Feb 2007 “El sujeto inmigrante en el cine español” Curso de Humanidade:s Las imágenes de la inmigración en la España del cambio de siglo, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Feb 2007 “Diferencia y otredad en las imágenes de los inmigrantes. Identidad cultural y cuestiones de género sexual” invited speaker, Imágenes de la inmigración en la literatura y el cine contemporáneos, Curso de Humanidades, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid.
Nov. 2006 “La feminización de la violencia” Paper presented at Memories of Modernity. An International Conference on Hispanic Cinemas, Stony Brook Manhattan, New York.
Oct. 2006 “Consideraciones sobre la representación del otro en el cine femenino” Invited speaker, Carlos III University of Madrid.
April 2006 “Cuando las flores de otro mundo llegan a España: reflexiones sobre maternidad, migración y Icíar Bollaín” Paper presented at the Rethinking the Iberian Atlantic Confernce, Liverpool.
Nov. 2005 “Desexualizando y sexuando la violencia de género: Almodovar, Bollain y Mañá” paper presented for the panel “Representación de la violencia doméstica en la literatura y el cine español,” PAMLA conference, Pepperdine University.
Feb. 2005 “La desfeminizacion del arte,” paper presented at the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Jan. 2005 “From Seduction to ‘Gynophagy:’ Engendering the Nineteenth-Century Literary Sphere,” paper presented at the Dept. Romance Languages, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Nov. 2004 “Discurso feminista, cine y violencia: ¿qué hay de nuevo?” Guest speaker at the conference “Cultura, representaciones y violencia: Nuevos enfoques desde los estudios culturales sobre género y etnia” Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Nov. 2004 “Icíar Bollain’s Take My Eyes: Women and Film in Europe” Lecture presented at “Why Film Matters,” Film Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University
Mar. 2004 “El cuerpo de la mujer por la mujer” Paper presented at the International Congress “Los hábitos del deseo. Formas de amar en la modernidad,” Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Nov. 2003 “Cine español femenino: panorama de éxitos y paradojas” Paper presented at the V Taller Internacional “Mujeres en el siglo XXI” Universidad de la Habana, Cuba.
Nov. 2003 “Reinventando el placer visual”, key-note speaker at the Conference “Cine y Literatura” organized by the Universidade de Vigo, Spain.
Nov. 2003 “La evolución del placer visual en el cine femenino español” invited speaker at the Seminario Cátedra de la Mujer, Universidade de Vigo.
July 2003 “Insolación de Emilia Pardo Bazán y el deseo femenino” Paper presented at the Conference Mulheres Más, Oporto, Portugal.
Nov. 2002 “Emilia Pardo Bazán: de Cava a Carmen” Paper presented at the SAMLA Conference, Baltimore.
Oct. 2002 “‘El dominio de los sentidos’ y ‘Five Senses’: sintiendo al femenino” Paper presented at the AILFH Conference, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
Oct. 2002 “El doble exilio de la mujer española: María Lejárraga” Paper presented at the congress “España laberinto de exilios,” University of Massachusetts.
Nov. 2001 “Canción de cuna: de María Lejárraga a José Luis Garci” Paper presented at the Second International Congress of Cinema and Literature organized by the Universidade de Vigo, Spain.
Feb. 2001 “Discursos de género en el cine español contemporáneo” Fifty Years of Literature and Cinema in Spain (1950-2000), University of California, Irvine.
Feb. 2001 “All about mothers: the vindication of motherhood in contemporary Spanish cinema” California State University at San Bernardino
Oct. 2000 “Maternidad usurpada: la operación de la metáfora de Unamuno a Almodóvar” Paper Presented at the I International Conference: Women and Textuality. The representation of Women in Hispanic Literatures: the Turn of Last Century and/or the End of the Millenium" Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.
June 2000 "La desheredada de Benito Pérez Galdós: historia de dos novelas" Paper Presented at the XXXIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, España.
May 2000 “Mitificaciones y desmitificaciones de la maternidad en el cine contemporáneo español." Invited speaker at the "Curs Dones I Cinema," organized by the Institut Universitari D'Estudis de la Dona, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain.
Dec. 1999 “Maquillando la verdad. Cine, literatura y violencia." Paper Presented at the First International Congress of Cinema and Literature organized by the Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain.
Nov. 1999 “Aporías de la mujer franquista." Paper presented at the "IV Jornadas de Castilla-La Mancha sobre Investigación en Archivo: El Franquismo: El Régimen y la Oposición, Guadalajara, Spain.
July 1999 "El Ventanal: contradicciones del discurso femenino de la Falange." Paper presented at the International Congress "Las representaciones de la mujer en la cultura hispánica," organized by the Universitas Castellae, Valladolid, Spain.
March 1999 "Domesticidad, feminismo doméstico y ¿posibles alternativas?" Paper presented at the "Primer encuentro Internacional New York University y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid," Madrid.
Apr. 1998 "Neo-neorealismo o post-neorealismo? Il caso donna." Paper presented at the meeting of American Association of Italian Studies, panel on Italian cinema, Chicago.
Dec. 1997 "Raping the Female Body (of Literature): Italo Svevo's Una vita." Paper presented at the Modern Language Association 1997 convention, panel on "Feminist Approaches to Italian Literature," Toronto.
Oct. 1997 "Ansiedad Fin de Siglo" Paper presented at the Letras Femeninas Hipánicas Conference, panel on 19th century Spanish Women Writers, University of Emory, Atlanta
April 1997 "La flor de mi secreto y los secretos de la postmodernidad española" Paper presented at the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Convention, panel on Spanish film and fiction, Los Angeles.
Dec. 1996 "Mascolinizzare i Promessi sposi" Paper presented at the Modern Language Association 1996 convention, panel on "Manzoni Revisited", Washington DC
Oct. 1996 "Feminizando miradas: la hermandad lírica y el deseo femenino romántico" Paper presented at the conference "The Powers of Poetry," University of Oregon, Eugene.
Fall 1995 "El ángel violado" Paper Presented at the Asociación de Letras Femeninas Hispánicas Conference, panel on 19th century Spanish women writers, Barnard College, New York.
Fall 1993 "Feminism and the Novel in nineteenth-century Italy." Paper presented at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, panel on Italian Feminism, Minneapolis.
Fall 1992 "The Language of Their Own: from Dante to the 'mutande'." Paper presented at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, panel on Italian Women Writers, Saint Louis.
Spring 1991 "El cobijo de la infancia en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite." Paper presented at the conference "Female Discourses: Present, Past, Future," organized by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
Winter 1991 "A view of one's own: il film Domino di Ivana Massetti." Paper presented at the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast convention, panel on Italian cinema, San José.
Fall 1990 "Mujer ventanera, mujer escritora: Carmen Martín Gaite." Paper presented at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder.
2017 Appointed Associate Member of the Film Academy of Spain
2016 Best Teaching Award Nomination, University of Massachusetts
2016 Exceptional Merit Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2013 Faculty Research Grant/Healey Endowment Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst to conduct research for my project on Spanish Film Pioneers
2011 Grant of the Program of Cooperation Between the University of Minnesota and the Spanish Ministry of Education to conduct research in Spain
2011 Grant of the Program of Cooperation Between the University of Minnesota and the Spanish Ministry of Education to co-sponsor Gynocine Women and Film Conference
Spring 2011 Enhanced Sabbatical Funds for the book project “Women Film Pioneers in Spain” University of Massachusetts Amherst
Spring 2011 Seed Grant for the project “The History of Spanish Cinema by Women (1898-1975)” The Digital Humanities Initiative, UMass
2010 Book Publication Subvention Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2009-2013 Renewal of the Grant I+D of the Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR) for a three-year project on the Representation of the Female Body (“Cos i Textualitat”) coordinated by Meri Torras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2006- present Grant from the Catalan Government (Institut Ramon Llull) for Catalan language and culture instruction at UMass (about $200,000)
2009 Faculty Research Grant/Healey Endowment Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst to conduct research in Spain
2009 Grant of the Program of Cooperation Between the University of Minnesota and the Spanish Ministry of Education to conduct research in Spain for my book project Género, teoría y práctica cinematográfica
2009 Student Choice Award, Residential First Year Experience (RFYE)
2006-2009 Grant I+D of the Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR) for a three-year project on the Representation of the Female Body (“Cos i Textualitat”) coordinated by Meri Torras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2005-2008 Grant I+D from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for a research project of the University Carlos III of Madrid "Imágenes del otro: construcción discursiva de la inmigración en la literatura y el cine de la España contemporánea" (Montserrat Iglesias, principal investigator)
2006-2007 Best Teaching Award Nomination, University of Massachusetts
2006 Nominated for a Lilly Fellowship, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts
Travel Grant (six times), Johns Hopkins University
2000-1996 Faculty Development Fund Grant (nine times), Saint Mary’s College
1999 January Term Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
1995-96 Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA
1993 Del Amo Foundation Scholarship, UCLA
Fall 1992 Lenard Travel Grant, UCLA
Fall 1987 "Best Thesis of The Year," award given by The Spanish Embassy of Rome to conduct research in Spain for a year.
1986-87 Scholarship of the University of Venice, Italy for a year of graduate studies at the University of California.
1986-87 Education Abroad Program scholarship for a year at the University of California at San Diego
1984 Grant of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores of Spain to conduct research at the University of Salamanca
Classes Taught
University of Massachusetts
Introduction to Lit. Analysis (Spanish 319)
Literary Currents in Spain (Spanish 321)
Culture and Civilization of Spain through Cinema (Spanish 415)
Spanish Novel From Dictatorship to Democracy (Spanish 497B)
Women of Southern Europe: Film and Society (Spanish 397, crosslisted Italian 398)
Women, Literature and Cinema in Spain (Spanish 497WC)
From Book to Screen (Spanish 432)
Cinema, Age and Gender (Spanish 797AG)
Theory and Parctice of Video-graphic Criticism (Spanish 697VG)
Modern Peninsular Narrative (Spanish 597L)
Románticos y Románticas (Spanish 697A)
Women and Film (Spanish 797)
Realisms (Spanish 597R)
Survey of Spanish Cinema (Spanish 797G)
From Paper to Celluloid (Spanish 797SP)
Discursos de género y el canón (Spanish 597U)
Catalan Cinema (Spanish 597)
The films of Pedro Almodóvar (Spanish 797)
Mount Holyoke College
Spanish Women and Cinema (Undergraduate)
Johns Hopkins University
Realism, Naturalism and Verismo (graduate: Italian and Spanish)
Discursos de género en el s.XIX español: medicina, derecho y literatura (graduate: Spanish)
Women and Film: A Theoretical Approach (graduate: Spanish)
Pirandeledda: Luigi Pirandello and Grazia Deledda (graduate: Italian)
Modernism, Decadentismo and Futurism (graduate: Italian)
Nineteenth Century Women Writers (graduate: Italian)
From Paper to Celluloid: Film Adaptations (graduate/undergrad: Italian)
Survey of Italian Film (graduate/undergraduate: Italian)
Italian Women Directors (undergraduate: Italian)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
"Mujer y Escritura: el siglo XIX" (Curso de Humanidades por Video Conferencia)
"Mujer y Escritura: teoría y práctica" (Curso de Humanidades)
Feminismos (team-taught)
Universitat de Valencia, Spain
“Iniciación a los Estudios Europeos e interdisciplinariedad” Máster en Interculturalidad, Comunicación y Estudios Europeos
“La formación de la mujer moderna” (Seminario de doctorado)
“Variaciones del tema de la maternidad en el cine contemporáneo español” (Seminario de doctorado)
Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
“La mujer en la España actual” (Summer Course)
“Cine español; nuevos realizadores” (Summer Course)
Saint Mary's College of California
Survey Spanish Literature: Middle Ages to 18th Century (taught in Spanish)
Survey Spanish Literature: 18th Century to the Mid 20th Century (in Spanish)
Contemporary Peninsular Literature (in Spanish)
Culture and Civilization of Spain (in Spanish)
Special Topic: Federico García Lorca (in Spanish)
Special Topic: Spanish Cultural Studies: de la dictadura a la democracia (in Spanish)
Spanish and Italian Film (in English, Spanish and Italian)
Women's Studies: Spanish Women Writers (in Spanish)
Women's Studies: Italian Women Writers (in Italian)
Collegiate Seminar: Greek Thought (in English)
All levels of Spanish and Italian Languages
Direction of PhD Dissertations:
University of Massachusetts
Irene Melé-Ballesteros: “Spanish and Catalan new poetics and theatricalities” (dissertation in progress)
Christina Beaubien: “Surrogate Histories; Women Demythifying the Franco-Female during the Spanish Transition” (2020)
Maribel Rams, Lecturer, Amherst College: “Subaltern identity and historical memory in contemporary Spain as represented in film, autobiography and testimonio” (2018)
Dolores Juan Moreno, Visiting Assistant Professor, Clark University: Mesa para dos: La gastronomía en la poesía y en el cine españoles (Defended Summer 2015)
Eva París-Huesca, Assistant Professor, Ohio Wesleyan University: Noir genre in contemporary female Spanish novel and cinema (Spring 2015)
Marta del Pozo, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: Towards a posthumanist reenchantment: Poetry, Science and New Technologies (Dissertation defended Spring 2012)
Jason Cumming: La arquitectura de la memoria: un análisis de la estructura narrativa en cinco novelas contemporáneas de España (Dissertation defended Spring 2010)
Direction of MA Theses:
University of Massachusetts
Elisabet Pallàs: Carmen(es) y Lola. El continuo generacional de la educación de la mujer desde la novela y el monólogo teatral de Cinco horas con Mario hasta la película Función de noche, Thesis defended Spring 2016, (co-dir. David Rodríguez-Solás)
Albert Asunción: "La imposible serenidad de Michi Panero, Una historia y análisis de El Desencanto, documental creativo en el tiempo de la transición" (Thesis defended Summer 2015)
Irene Melé Ballesteros: Elena Jordi y el mito de Thais (Thesis defended Spring 2013)
Emily Spring: Protesting Between the Lines: Carmen Martín Gaite's frustration in Writing vis-à-vis 1950s Francoist Censorship (Thesis defended Spring 2013)
Gorka Maiztegui: Análisis del proceso de adaptación de Las galas del difunto de Valle-Inclán (defended Fall 2012)
Iván Cavielles-Llamas: De otros a nosotros: El cine español sobre inmigración y su camino hacia una visión pluricultural de España (1990-2007) (Thesis defended Fall 2008)
María Manuela Marcos Escribano: La reconstrucción de la folkclórica en el cine de la democracia (Thesis completed Summer 2008)
Marta del Pozo: Soldados de Salamina: ‘Terapias’ para después de una guerra (Thesis defended Spring 2007)
Member of Dissertation, MA Thesis and Exams Committees:
University of Massachusetts, Spanish and Portuguese Unit
Pilar Osorio (Dissertation defense, Spring 2018) Elisabet Pallas (Dissertation Proposal 2019) * Carla Suarez (Dissertation Proposal, 2019) * Pilar Osorio (Dissertation Proposal, Fall 2016) * Ramiro García Olano (Dissertation Defense, Spring 2017) * Pilar Osorio (Dissertation Proposal, Fall 2016) * Dolores Juan Moreno (Dissertation Proposal, Fall 2015) * Maribel Rams (Dissertation Proposal, Fall 2015) * Aida Roldan (Comps, Spring 2015) * Gorka Maiztegui (Dissertation Proposal, Fall 2015) * Dolores Juan Moreno (Comps, Fall 2014) * Danielle Boveé (Master Exam, Fall 2014)* Christina Beaubien (Comps, Spring 2014) * Rossano Dalle Valle (Dissertation Proposal, Spring 2014) * Gorka Maiztegui (Comps, 2014) * Irene Melé Ballesteros (MA Thesis Defense, 2013) * Maribel Rams (Comps, Spring 2013)* Emily Spring (Master Thesis Defense, Spring 2013)* María Twardy (Spring 2012) * Sonia Battle (Thesis Defense UMass 2012) * Luis Loya (Dissertation Defense Spring 2011) * Javier Venturi (Major Exam, Spring 2010) * Jason Cumming (Major Exam, Fall 2008) * Marta del Pozo (Major Exam, Fall 2007) * Eva París-Huesca (Minor Exam, Spring 2010) * Maria Hogan (Minor Exam Fall 2010) * Ramiro García-Olano (Minor Exam Spring 2010) * Sonia Battle (Proposal Defense UMass 2010) * Darío Sánchez-González (MA exam, Spring 2010) * Slav Gretchen (Minor Exam Spring 2008) * María Twardy (Dissertation Proposal Spring 2010) * José Madiedo (Minor Exam Spring 2010) * Rossano Dalla Valle (MA exam, Spring 2009) * Luis Loya (Major Exam Fall 2009) * María Twardy (Major Exam, Fall 2008) * Iván Cavielles-Llamas (Master Thesis defense 2008)* Kelsey Camire (Major Exam Fall 2007) * María Twardy (Minor Exam UMass, 2007) * Marta del Pozo (Minor Exam UMass, 2007) * Jason Cumming (Minor Exam UMass, 2007)
University of Massachusetts, Program in Comparative Literature
Lara Matta (Comps Exam, Spring 2013) * Daniel Pope (PhD Dissertation defense, Spring 2013) * Daniel Pope (Comps Exam, Fall 2011) * Lucía Prada (MA Thesis defense, Spring 2009)
University of Illinois at Chicago
Yanire Marquez (Comps, Spring 2015)
Universitat de Barcelona
Katryna Paszkiewicz (Dissertation Defense, Fall 2014)
Universitat de València
Silvia Guillamón (Dissertation defense, Fall 2011)
Jorge Belmonte Arocha (Dissertation Defense, Summer 2013)
Universidad de Granada
Amy Dolin Oliver (Dissertation defense, Spring 2013)
Mario de la Torre Espinosa (Dissertation Defense, Summer 2015)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Nasima Akaloo (Dissertation defense, Summer 2012)
Mount Holyoke College
Emmalie Moseley (MA Honor Thesis, Spring 2009)
Johns Hopkins University
Anne de Laire Mulgrew (Dissertation Defense, Spring 2005) * Sara Annunziato (Comps Exam, Fall 2005)
Saint Mary’s College of California
Lisa McKibbin Spanish and Italian Cinema (Honor Thesis Director, Spring 2001)
2015- Full Professor, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2011-2015 Associate Professor, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2005-2011 Assistant Professor Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2002-2005 Visiting Associate Professor of Italian and Spanish. Dept. Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins University.
1999-2001 (Fall semesters) Visiting Professor, Dept. Humanidades, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2000 (Spring) Visiting Professor, Instituto de la Mujer, Universidad de Valencia.
2000-2001 (Summer Terms) Visiting Professor, Cursos de Verano, Universidad de Cádiz.
1999-2002 Associate Professor, Dept. Modern Languages, Saint Mary's College of California.
1996-1999 Assistant Professor, Dept. Modern Languages, Saint Mary’s College of California.
1993-94 Instructor of Italian, University of California at Los Angeles, Extension.
1991-93 Teaching Assistant of Spanish and of Italian, Department of Spanish and Portuguese and Department of Italian, University of California at Los Angeles.
1986-89 Teaching Assistant of Italian, Department of Literature, University of California at San Diego.
Service to the University
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Director Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies (2017- current)
Director Translation Center (2015-2017)
Interim Director of the Translation Center (2014-2015)
Co-director Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) Program (2014-2017)
Director of the Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2012-2015)
Graduate Program Director, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2015-2016, 2010-2012; Spring 2009, 2006-07)
Member of the Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) Program Steering Committee (since 2011)
Member of the Interdepartmental Film Studies Program Steering Committee (since 2011)
Member of the Graduate Certificate Advisory Committee, Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies (since 2012)
Member of the Executive Committee, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (since 2012)
Member of the Modern European Studies Program Steering Committee (MES) (since 2005)
Member of Campus Physical Planning Council (since 2014)
Member of the Committee on Overseas Programs and Exchanges (COPE) (2009-2012)
Member of the Personnel Sub-Committee, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (since 2011, 2008-09, 2006-07)
Coordinator of the Catalan Lecturership, funded by the Institut Ramon Llull (2006-2016)
Director of the Granada Exchange Program (since 2006)
Member of the Search Committee for the Director of International Programs of the International Programs Office (IPO) (Fall 2007)
Member of the Graduate Program Committee, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (since 2005)
Chair of the International Studies Committee, Spanish and Portuguese Unit, Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2005-12)
Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee (Since 2014)
Member of the Personnel Committee, Dept. of Languages Literatures and Cultures (Fall 2008)
Member of Search Committee, Position in Translation CPE, LLC (Fall 2016)
Member of the Search Committee, Position in 19th-21st c. Peninsular Spanish Lit., SpanPort Program (Fall 2014)
Member of the Search Committee, Position in Early Modern Spanish Lit. SpanPort Program (Fall 2010)
Member of the Search Committee, Position in Italian Cinema, French and It. Program (Fall 2010)
Member of the Search Committee, Position in Applied Linguistics, SpanPort (Fall 2008)
Member of the Search Committee for the Director of International Programs of the International Programs Office (IPO) (Fall 2007)
Member of the Search Committee, TT Position in Sociolinguistics, SpanPort (Fall 2007)
Member of the Search Committee, Lecturer Position in Applied Linguistics, SpanPort (Fall 2006)
Member of the Search Committee, Lecturer Position in Sociolinguistics, SpanPort (Fall 2006)
Five-College Consortium
Member of the 5 College Film Council (since 2014-2017)
Service in Other Institutions
Director and Organizer of Johns Hopkins University Semester Program in Madrid, Spain at Carlos III University (2002-05)
Member of the Columbia University-Barcelona Consortium Board (2003-05)
Director and Organizer of the SMC-University of Cádiz Summer Program (Summer 2000-Summer 2001)
Director and Organizer of the SMC-University Carlos III of Madrid Semester Program (Fall 1999-2000-2001)
Core faculty of the Curso de Estudios Hispánicos (CEH), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (1999-2002)
Core faculty of the Experimental Program, Humanidades por Videoconferencia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Fall 2000-01)
Director and Organizer of the first SMC Summer Program in Madrid (Summer 1998)
Member of the Women's Studies Advisory Board, and Women's Studies Committee, Saint Mary's College (1997-98)
Member of the Film House Committee, Saint Mary's College (1997-98)
Member of the MLA Search Committee for the Dept. of Modern Languages, Saint Mary's College (1996)
Service to the Profession
Member Editorial Board Monographic Volume Ambitos feministas (Spring 2015)
Book Review Editor of Letras Femeninas (2002-09)
Member of the Editorial Board of Lecturas: Imágenes, Universidad de Vigo (2003-2009)
Member of the Editorial Board of Modern Languages Notes (MLN) Spanish Issue (2002-05)
Co-editor-in-Chief of Modern Languages Notes (MLN) Italian Issue (2002-05)
Consultant for World Literature and Its Time. Italian Volume. Joyce Moss, ed. Detroit: Gale Group (2002-2003)
Consultant for World Literature and Its Time. Vol. 5 Spanish and Portuguese Literatures and Their Times. Joyce Moss, ed. Detroit: Gale Group (2001)
Book Review Editor of Mester (1991-92)
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Carte Italiane (1990-91)
Ad Hoc Peer-Reviews
Comunicación y Género • Hispanic Research Journal • International Journal of Communication • Fotocinema • Investigaciones feministas • Peripherica • Letras Hispanas • Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos • International Journal of Iberian Studies • Bulletin of Hispanic Studies • Feminist Media Studies • Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas • Communication & Society • MLN Hispanic Issue • MLN Italian Issue • Letras Femeninas • Ambitos feministas • UNED Revistas Científicas • Romance Linguistics and Literature Review • Mester • Carte Italiane
Film Festivals
Founder and Co-organizer of the Catalan Film Festival, UMass Amherst (every Spring Semester since 2006)
Member of the Jury, Gender Lab, MIC Género, Muestra Internacional de Cine con Perspectiva de Género (Ciudad de México, August 2016)
Member of the Jury of the Flecos Award - 10th edition of the International Film Festival Cines del Sur (Granada, June 2016)
Member of the Jury of the 8th edition of the International Film Festival Cines del Sur (Granada, June 1-8, 2014)
Conferences, Talks and Panels Organizer
Co-organizer of the event: Two days with Film Director Carla Subirana Event, UMass Amherst (April 2017)
Co-organizer of the event Two days with Film Director Montse Armengou Event, Mount Holyoke College- Umass Amherst (March 2017)
Organizer of the talk by Raquel Medina "Aging Studies and Cinema" UMass Amherst (March 2017)
Co-organizer of the talk by Concha Gómez "Colita" University of Massachusetts Amherst (November 2016)
Co-organizer of the International Workshop Aging Studies and Visual Culture, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain (October 2016)
Co-organizer of the 1st International Conference Cinema Age Gender, Aston University, Birmingham, UK (April 2016)
Co-organizer (with Guillem Molla) of the “Two Days with Film Director Neus Ballús” event (for the 6th edition of the Catalan Film Festival and the Saint Jordi Week), University of Massachusetts Amherst and Amherst Cinema (March 2015)
Organizer of the talk by Maribel Rams and film director Francisco Zamora "Documental creativo", UMAss Amherst (April 2015)
Co-organizer (with Guillem Molla) of the “Two Days with Film Director Judith Colell” event (for the 6th edition of the Catalan Film Festival and the Saint Jordi Week), University of Massachusetts Amherst and Amherst Cinema (April 2014)
Organizer of the talk by Spanish dramatist Diana de Paco for the Spanish and Portuguese Lecture Series, UMass Amherst (April 2014)
Organizer of the talk by Marta Segarra, University of Barcelona, for the Spanish and Portuguese Lecture Series, UMass Amherst (Sept. 2013)
Co-organizer of the One-day Conference “Almodóvar in Evolución”, University of Massachusetts Amherst (May 2013)
Co-organizer of the Round Table on Women’s Spaces, at the NeMLA Conference (April 2012)
Organizer of the “Spanish Cinema Today” Conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst (guest speakers: Domingo Sanchez-Mesa, Santiago Fouz-Hernández, Vicente Luis Mora, Concha Gomez, Giulia Colaizzi) (Oct. 2012)
Co-organizer of the double panel “Teoría y práctica de la creación femenina” at the IX Convegno Internazionale del gruppo Scrittrici e Scritture, Università di Sassari, Sardegna (Sept. 2012)
Co-organizer of the Fall Semester one-credit Workshop on Digital Cultures (guests speakers Concha Gómez and Domingo Sánchez Mesa), Smith College (Fall 2012)
Co-organizer of a 3-day Workshop on Modern Spanish Drama, at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with Diana de Paco, Virtudes Serrano, and Mariano de Paco (Spring 2012)
Co-organizer (with Jordi Dosaiguas) of the talk by Catalan Film Director Ventura Pons, for the IV Catalan Film Festival: Gay and Lesbian Cinema, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Spring 2012)
Organizer of the 5-day Workshop on Screenwriting with Film Director Inés París, UMass and Smith College (Fall 2011)
Organizer of the talk by Margarita Lobo, Filmoteca de España, Madrid, for the Spanish and Portuguese Lectures Series, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UMass, Amherst (Fall 2011)
Organizer of the Gynocine Conference (Oct. 2011)
Organizer of the talk by Raquel Medina, University of Aston, “Diario de un inmigrante” University of Aston, England, for the Spanish and Portuguese Lectures Series, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UMass, Amherst (April 2010)
Chair of the Panel “Historicizing Feminisms and Its Plurality” of the Conference Voices From the in-Between Conference, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (April 2010)
Co-organizer (with Júlia Llompart) of the II Catalan Film Festival, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Spring 2010)
Organizer of the talk by Silvia Guillamón, University of Valencia, “Feminidad y lógica sacrificial en el cine bajo el franquismo: en torno a 'De mujer a mujer' (Luis Lucia, 1950)" for the Spanish and Portuguese Lectures Series, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UMass, Amherst (May 2009)
Co-organizer (with Andreu Pedró) of the I Catalan Film Festival, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Spring 2008)
Organizer of the talk by Catalan writer Josep Navarro, for the Spanish and Portuguese Lectures Series, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UMass, Amherst (Nov. 2008)
Chair of the Panel, Identidad/Otredad, AILCFH Congress, Mujeres Transatlánticas, Cruces de Lenguas. Zonas de encuentros, Sevilla (Oct. 2007)
Chair of the Panel Cuerpo y Arte at the Congress Los Textos del Cuerpo, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Fall 2007)
Organizer of the talk “Del tropo a la tropa: colonialismo, escritura de guerra y enunciación metafórica en Diario de un testigo de la guerra de África” by Nil Santiáñez, Saint Louis University for the Spanish and Portuguese Lectures Series, Dept. Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UMass (Fall 2007)
Chair and organizer of the Panel “Cine con tetas” at the conference Memories of Modernity, Stony Brook Manhattan (Nov. 2006)
Organizer of the “Officina Novecentesca” Italian Graduate Students Seminar, Johns Hopkins University (2003-2005)
Chair of the Panel “A Mulher Contracorrente nos Anos 20 em Espanha”, at the I Congresso Internacional Mulheres Más, Oporto, Portugal (2003)
Chair and organizer of the panel “Placer visual: 25 años después” at the AILF conference, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (Oct. 2002)
Chair of the panel “Women’s Issues in Latin American Culture” at the Latin American Studies Round Table Conference, at California State University, San Bernardino (Apr. 2002)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Curso de Estudios Hispánicos: Organizer of the round table “From Dictatorship to Democracy: Oral History,” –-Guest Speakers: Julia Plancha Serra, una republicana de noventa años and Prof. Vicente Carmona, University of Southern California (Fall 2000)
Universidad de Cádiz: Organizer of a talk on “Spanish Women Poets” -–Guest Speaker: Jacqueline Cruz, Univerity of Oregon (Summer 2000)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Curso de Estudios Hispánicos: Organizer of a talk on “Domestic Life during the Second Republic” –-Guest Speaker: Vicente Carmona, Louisiana State University (Fall 1999)
Saint Mary’s College Summer Program in Madrid: Organizer of a talk on “Spanish Theater under Dictatorship,” --Guest Speaker: José Monleón, University of California at Los Angeles (Summer 1998)
Saint Mary's College: Organizer of a panel on "Italian Feminism,"-- Guest Speaker: Italian Feminist Activist Adriana Cavarero, University of Verona (Fall 1997)
Saint Mary's College: Organizer of "a night about Nobel Prize Winner Dario Fo," –Guest Speaker: Angelica Forti-Lewis, SUNY (1997)
Chair and Organizer of the panel "Sex, Screens, Soccer, Spaces and Secrets: Postmodern Spanish Culture." at the Modern Language Association 1997 Convention, Toronto (dec. 1997)
Chair and Organizer of the panel "Spanish Colonized Voices in the Twentieth Century: Africa, the Canaries and the Spanish 'metropolis'" Modern Language Association 1996 convention, Washington DC (dec. 1996)
Co-chair and organizer of the panel "La revolución de la mirada femenina: sexualidad y poesía en la España del XIX y XX," at the congress "The Powers of Poetry," University of Oregon, Eugene (Oct. 1996)
Organizer of the “First Graduate Conference on Italian Culture,” University of California, at Los Angeles (Spring 1990)
TV, Radio and Press Interviews:
Interviewed by Andrea Gutiérrez Bermejo, Redactora jefe, Cinemanía, 2016
Interviewed for the documentary Mujeres Fuera de Campo, directed by Roberto Hernanz, José Luis Pacheco and Candela Mainar, 2015
Interviewed by Lola Fernández, Periodista diario El Mundo, Suplemento Yo Dona, para el reportaje “Porno para mujeres” , Dic. 2014
Interviewed by journalist Gavina García Bonilla about the new Catalan Minor at UMass for the web of the Institut Ramon Llull (July 2014),
Interviewed by journalist María Castejón Leorza about Spanish women and film for the monthly magazine Pikara (July 2014 Issue):
Guest at the daily Navarra Television talk show “Me importas tú”, hosted by Amaia Madinabeiti (Pamplona, June 10, 2014):
Interviewed by Itziar Ziga for the web of IPES “Mujeres y Feminismos” (Pamplona, June 10, 2014)
“Es necesario enfocar la presencia femenina en el cine; si no, la historia se queda coja” Interview by Ana Oliveira Lizarribar for the newspaper Diario de Noticias de Navarra (Pamplona, June 11, 2014, pp. 68-69)
Interviewed by newspaper Granada Hoy on Alhambra de Oro award winner 40 days of Silence at the Film Festival Cines del Sur de Granada: (Granada, June 8, 2014)
Interviewed by Canal Sur Television about the Film Festival Cines del Sur de Granada (Granada, June 6, 2014)
Interviewed by Alfons Gorina on the Catalan Film Festival for the radio program “La finestra indiscreta” of Catalunya Ràdio (Feb. 2014)
Interviewed by journalist Beatriz Ariño for the documentary on film pioneer Helena Cortesina for the TV documentaries series Crónicas de RTVE (April 2013) (documentary in production)
Interviewed by Javier Tolentino for the Spanish National Radio Program “El séptimo vicio” (Radio 3) on violence in women’s cinema (June 2008)
Invited to the Spanish TV program “Ruedo Ibérico” (Antena 3) hosted by Montserrat Domínguez, live from Washington DC, and interviewed on the US presidential elections repercussions for women (Nov. 2005).
Interviewed by Mar Barros for the Galician magazine A Nossa Terra on contemporary women writers in Spain (Nov. 2003).
Interviewed for the Diario da Universidade de Vigo on women and film (Nov. 2003).
Interviewed for the Dominican Republic Listín Diario (Oct. 2002).